Ryan's Word I/O Diary

Words go in: I read them. Words come out: I write them. Input, Output = I/O. Get it? Got it. Get Ryan a gig. I'm serious, now!!

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

I do a little of everything, and I write about it all.

Friday, October 20, 2006

A little something different

I'd not had a good morning today. My bank tells me they can take six weeks to cash my student loan checks, DHL is trying to charge me 200 pounds sterling for having my laptop shipped over for VAT expenses which blows my mind, and there's a lot of stuff going down with my landlord and rental property that is not going up here. This is just to establish that I was not in a pleasant mood.

So I worked with it. I had an assignment to write three pages in the first person with a distinctive voice, so I chose the voice of the ignorant asshat from immigration that kept me in the holding pen for four hours. Every half hour he would remind me that he could send me on the next flight back to the States if he wanted. He kept me in a state of pure panic for four hours, I shall put him in a state of dangerous inbred malintelligence for all eternity. I got 900 words out of it.

Edited my Island Argument piece today, and I'm definitely going back to it before I turn it in. I think it holds up pretty well, but it could conform to the structure of the assingment more. It may make the piece suffer a bit, but we'll see if it works or not.

Needless to say, the reading hasn't been up to the pace I'd like lately.


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